Course Description
Did you know...
An imbalance or blockage in any of your Meridians can affect your:
- mindset
- self esteem
- self belief
- confidence
- motivation
- relationships
- contentment
- ability to let go of what is no longer serving you
- decisiveness
- ability to make good choices
Your meridians are part and parcel of your energetic health and key to your overall health.
As a Kinesiologist I cannot stress the importance of meridian health enough.
I would love you to watch the recording of my Free Meridian Webinar where we went through each of the meridians and the metaphysical consequences of them being out of balance. You will get to understand that by unblocking your meridians you can unlock your potential in all areas of your life.
Holistic Kinesiologist
Claire Tait
I have been in practice as a Holistic Kinesiologist since 2006 and am passionate about the Mind Body Spirit Connection.I specialise in emotional and spiritual health with my main focus being those who struggle with life purpose, limiting beliefs, confidence, indecision, valuing self, visibility and joy. I help them build internal resilience so that they can achieve success. I do this by working extensively with meridians as these are one of the cornerstones of our energetic health and without our energetic health being in balance we can never truly be our best selves.
Course curriculum
Free Webinar on Meridians
Recording: Your Meridians Your LIfe Oct 16
Recording: Your Meridians Your Life Aug 17
$97.00Meridian Workout Package