Course Description

Have you experienced issues around any of the following ...

  • Mindset?
  • Self-esteem?
  • Self-belief?
  • Contentment?
  • Decisiveness?
  • Confidence?
  • Decision-making?
  • Ability to make good choices?
  • Relationships?
  • Motivation?
  • Happiness?
  • Release of things that aren't working for you?

All of us can acknowledge that at one point or another we have needed to work with some of these issues.

But did you know that these could be due to a blockage in your meridian system?

What are Meridians?

Meridians form part of your energetic body in the same way that chakras do.

They are lines of energy that run through your body and distribute energy or chi throughout your body.

We need to keep that energy or chi in constant flow, we don't want any blockages.

It is when you get blockages that your energy stagnates and you can experience the negative consequences.

Meridian Workout Package

To combat these blockages, I've developed a Meridian Workout Package which consists of a set of easy to perform sequences for each of the fourteen meridians.

Each exercise is really simple and easy to perform and it takes eight minutes in total to do all 14 meridians. So that's only eight minutes of your day to get your meridians stimulated and your chi flowing.

Please note that if you do Yoga every day then you won't need this workout as Yoga is another wonderful way to balance your meridians. For those that don't do Yoga on a daily basis then this meridian workout package is perfect for the days when you don't do a Yoga session.

What's included

  • a handout which shows the position of each meridian and an explanation of the exercise for that meridian.
  • a video where you can see me demonstrating the sequence.

Be the Creator of your own Wellbeing

  • One simple movement for each meridian
  • Total of 8 minutes
  • Simple and gentle
  • A beautiful daily habit for your energetic body
  • Inexpensive

I'd love you to take a look and I know your Meridians would love you too.

Holistic Kinesiologist

Claire Tait

I have been in practice as a Holistic Kinesiologist since 2006 and am passionate about the Mind Body Spirit Connection.I specialise in emotional and spiritual health with my main focus being those who struggle with life purpose, limiting beliefs, confidence, indecision, valuing self, visibility and joy. I help them build internal resilience so that they can achieve success. I do this by working extensively with meridians as these are one of the cornerstones of our energetic health and without our energetic health being in balance we can never truly be our best selves.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Meridian Workout Package

    • Meridians Introduction

    • Meridian Workout Video

    • Meridian Workout Handout


5 star rating

Daily Meridian Workout

Kate Hubert

I love this daily workout. It's easy to do and Claire's instructions are easy to follow. The best part is it only takes 8 minutes.

I love this daily workout. It's easy to do and Claire's instructions are easy to follow. The best part is it only takes 8 minutes.

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5 star rating

This, I think is going to be a beautiful beginning and fo...

Giselle Perry

For a while I have been struggling to create space for a consistant exercise ritual (note not routine or program as it is sounding way too regulatory and I t...

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For a while I have been struggling to create space for a consistant exercise ritual (note not routine or program as it is sounding way too regulatory and I think I am now at a different place when it comes to movement). It needed to fit in with life, it needed to feel nourishing and it needed to energise - so I am having a complete reset and signed up for Claire Tait Kinesiologist's Meridian Workout. It has been three mornings now (well on the way to making this a habit) and I take my yoga mat outside to greet the day, pop on some zen music, do my meridian moving meditation and add three of my own sun salutation sequences - it feels delightful, my body is feeling a little shaken up like a snow globe, but I know as the pieces fall and settle there is going to be balance. Claire has taken immense care to demonstrate and provides supportive, beautifully illustrated guides and it is meant to take only 8 minutes...but I am finding myself pausing and lingering in the moment just a little longer. This, I think is going to be a beautiful beginning and foundation for my everyday.

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5 star rating


alexandra Partington

I have just bought the Meridian work out - I found it to be a beautiful gentle flow and I felt more enlivened having done this routine - this is something I ...

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I have just bought the Meridian work out - I found it to be a beautiful gentle flow and I felt more enlivened having done this routine - this is something I will adopt into my life and it is what I have been looking for - a wee movement routine. I also really like the hand out showing me the meridians. Thank you for sharing your work. Love

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5 star rating

Simple and effective

Vesna Leto

The simplicity of the course, the duration and routine is a great start with which to begin the day. ...

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The simplicity of the course, the duration and routine is a great start with which to begin the day.

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